(Link to watch and feel like a true pirate ---- OUTPOST EARTH )

Movie - Outpost Earth (2019)
Directed by Brett Piper
Written by Brett Piper
Length: 83 minutes (fast and action filled!!!! Drink a few beers and enjoy the ride!!!)

Trailer click here ---- OUTPOST EARTH

Plot (bahahaha!!) : Monstrous alien creatures have taken over the earth and wiped out most of human civilization. Now a small band of renegade fighters must find the secret to defeating the aliens for the sake of all mankind.

I was cruising the underside of the Internet, where crime is rampant, black market videos flood the world and where for the price of a Coca-Cola, you can have your accountant executed and make it look like your overzealous doctor did it.

The naughty place of the Internet.

I discovered a wonderful film written and directed by the world's greatest writer/director/set designer/cashier at Kmart Brett Piper!

The first scene, where I stopped to begin writing this movie review, is the greatest 'shot by an arrow, poor bunny, but damn what a fight scene!' ever filmed by a stop motion puppeteer in 2018.

Also the beginning invasion scenes will make you go, "How did they do that?"and "Why oh f*cking why did they do that?"

First, the aliens and the monsters.  You will love them. You will look in amazement and go, "Is it CGI? IS IT? Why won't anyone answer me?"

Cause you're all alone my friend watching a movie while drunk and in your underwear.

Like the early days of movie magic, no CGI in this movie, and you just can't tell. (With enough beer and other alcohol, everything looks like CGI.

Trust me.

The writing? It's there and you can tell somebody took a lot of time to write the script.

(About as much time as it took me to write this review, 30 minutes, top, and that includes looking for the actors, all top notch in their fields.  Too bad their fields are in used car sales!!!!)

It's like Star Wars without the Star or the Wars, well there's a war, but it's short and non essential to the plot.

George Lucas could only dream in directing and writing and I'm thinking acting as well as costume design and set design in such a movie.

The first 6 minutes into the film and I'm already inspired to not only write this review but also write my own Sci-Fi Horror Drama involving stop motion puppets.

SCENE: A Post Apocalyptic Earth, in ruin, monsters stomp through the devastated remains of Detroit, Michigan.  Our hero, Jake Spade, hunts mutant rabbits for dinner.

Jake: Ugh. *As monster crow hits him in head with huge rock*


Who needs a script when the camera captures all the action?

If the movie could be filmed itself, life would be perfect.

So what do I think about the film in reference to plot and action?

Beyond the f*cking moon!!! Ten stars out of four.  Grab the spouse, the kids, push em out of the house, get naked and enjoy the film.

Until next time, I'm Hank D. Movie Dude and you're not!!UIASYO


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